The corruption of our election system was apparent when the Democratic National Committee (DNC) advanced Hillary Clinton as their candidate…
Public education is failing because government does not provide adequate support to enable all schools to provide equal educational opportunity.…
In prehistoric times men and women were equal partners, working together to address basic needs. They developed tools to explore…
History is a litany of wars pursued by leaders of tribes and countries, seeking wealth, power, and resources, and forcing…
Criticizing Israel is considered bigoted and anti-Semitic. The US was complicit in taking land from Palestine to establish the state…
Is it likely that sexual assault is epidemic because males are free to indulge in whatever behavior they choose, and…
Investors have taken a keen interest in Urgent Care Centers. Private equity firms and venture capitalists have eagerly invested in…
Long work hours, low pay; we created an economy to support the wealthy and reduce most of the population to…
Culture and environment are major factors in determining what each of us will accomplish with our lives. Culture is a quality…
The concept of “continuous economic growth” must be questioned. Capitalists pose growth as a necessity for economic survival. Why must…